Soil and Irrigation

Secondary education streams:
Agricultural, Health, Industrial, Scientific
Soil science is the study of soil as a natural resource on the surface of the Earth including soil formation, classification and mapping; physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils; and these properties in relation to the use and management of soils. The main branches of soil science are pedology ― the study of formation, chemistry, morphology, and classification of soil ― and edaphology ― the study of how soils interact with living things, especially plants. Sometimes terms which refer to those branches are used as if synonymous with soil science. The diversity of names associated with this discipline is related to the various associations concerned. Indeed, engineers, agronomists, chemists, geologists, physical geographers, ecologists, biologists, microbiologists, silviculturists, sanitarians, archaeologists, and specialists in regional planning, all contribute to further knowledge of soils and the advancement of the soil sciences. Soil scientists have raised concerns about how to preserve soil and arable land in a world with a growing population, possible future water crisis, increasing per capita food consumption, and land degradation. ..More on Wikipedia
Universities with the lowest accepted score to the program
Jordan University of Science and Technology 78.5

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PLEASE NOTE: College Search profiles are based primarily on information obtained from government agencies and university websites. Costs, dates, policies, and programs are subject to change, so please confirm important facts with college admission personnel. The lowest minimum score mentioned applies to Jordanian students only. Lowest minimum score for international students is 5% to 15% less depending on the major. An execption would be needed from university administration